
How Disney World Tanked My Confidence

My family just got back from Disney World in Orlando. What a monumentally memorable trip!

But I have to share I did NOT have a lot of self-confidence planning for the trip. Why is that?

I’ve only been to Disney World one time way back in college and I did none of the planning for that trip. So for our family vacation, I did a ton of online research and even asked for advice from several friends who had been to Disney recently.

I was overwhelmed by all of the options and choices and sometimes conflicting information.

  • What is the best hotel or resort?
  • Do I pay extra for Genie+?
  • Which reservations do I need to make 6 months in advance?
  • Which Disney parks, rides and experiences will my boys ages 7 and 11 enjoy? 

And those were only 4 out of the 100 questions spinning in my head. I had information overload which made me stress out about every detail of the trip. On top of that, I was scared of making costly mistakes knowing we were investing valuable time and money on a 7-day Disney vacation. 

I remained super stressed and didn’t feel confident booking anything.

Then one day after talking to my sister she suggested I hire a Disney trip planner. This person could help me navigate all of my choices and work with me to create a detailed itinerary tailored to the specific interests and priorities of my family. They were an expert who knew the ins and outs of everything Disney. This person sounded magical and the right person to help me so I got one!

My Disney trip planner guided me through every big and small decision. My analysis paralysis was over, and I knew I was making the right choices for my family. I’m so grateful my sister offered me a simple solution to my problems, and I acted on it. It drastically decreased my stress and worry and increased my confidence. 

Often, we make life much harder than it needs to be because we tell ourselves that we can figure it out ourselves. We can try, but we can’t figure everything out ourselves. 

More importantly, you don’t need to figure out the hard parts of life by yourself. There are people who can help. Friends, teachers, experts, mentors, coaches, etc. are happy to share their expertise and life experience with you. 

When you seek outside help like I did, you will have the magical feeling of your stress decreasing and your confidence increasing.

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